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UFG Foundation presents its largest single gift

Released on: Apr 11, 2024, 09:00 AM

Representatives of the UFG Foundation have presented United Way of East Central Iowa (UWECI) leaders with what will be the foundation’s largest single gift this year. 
“Supporting UWECI — the United Way in our headquarters’ city — has been a tradition for the UFG Foundation for two decades,” explained foundation representative and UFG Insurance VP, Chief Marketing Officer Michael Sheeley. “As company employees give from their hearts during the United Way’s annual campaign, the company’s foundation proudly echoes their generosity with a separate donation each year.”

United Way check presentation
From left, UWECI President & CEO Kristin Roberts is joined by UWECI VP of Donor Engagement and Development Joseph Peterson to accept the UFG Foundation gift from UFG staff/foundation representatives Katie Jensen and Erica Bergfeld-Reed on March 28, 2024.
The significant contribution allows UWECI to aid the life-improving work of area nonprofits while also having an opportunity to allocate dollars toward its own organizational needs.

“A unique quality of the UFG Foundation is its understanding of the challenges nonprofits can face when it comes to funding operating expenses or administrative costs,” said Sheeley. “If our foundation can help an organization keep its lights on while it carries out its daily mission, then we’re honored to do that as our funds and guidelines allow.”

The UFG Foundation has gifted nearly $4 million in total to UWECI since 2001.

Nonprofits in or near Cedar Rapids, Iowa (or UFG branch office cities) searching for grant opportunities are reminded that the UFG Foundation’s first 2024 cycle will end April 30.  Qualification details, including an online grant application, are available at ufginsurance.com/foundation.


About UFG
Founded in 1946 as United Fire & Casualty Company, United Fire Group, Inc. (UFG, Nasdaq: UFCS), through its insurance company subsidiaries, is engaged in the business of writing property and casualty insurance. Through our subsidiaries, we are licensed as a property and casualty insurer in 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, and we are represented by approximately 1,000 independent agencies. A.M. Best Company assigns a rating of “A-” (Excellent) for members of the United Fire & Casualty Group. For more information about UFG visit www.ufginsurance.com.

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