Dee Zampella
Going Beyond 2021: Dee Zampella
Doris “Dee” Zampella, CEO of New Jersey-based EA Boniakowski Insurance Services, was named the agent winner of the 2021 Scotty McIntyre, Jr. Go Beyond Award.
This award honors the legacy of former UFG leader (and son of our company’s founder) Scotty McIntyre Jr., who engrained within our corporate culture the importance of giving back. In that spirit, UFG is honored to make a $5,000 contribution to The Center for Great Expectations in recognition of Dee’s above-and-beyond care.
Always time to make a difference
New Jersey insurance agent Dee Zampella wakes up each morning with the same goal: “make at least one person’s day brighter.”
“My parents had seven children,” Dee says, “And although my mom and dad were extremely busy running our family insurance and real estate agency, they always made time to help out at school functions, community events, Elks, Lions, church, Scouts and any group that made our community great. They taught us, as we are blessed, we need to give back.”
Dee is the CEO of that family business today — EA Boniakowski Insurance Services — and the drive to help her community, instilled by her parents, remains strong.
“At her core, she is a servant leader,” explains Dee’s daughter and vice president of innovation at EA Boniakowski Jacquelyn Zampella. “Her vision and boundless energy seeps into our company values and, at her encouragement, the staff of EA Boniakowski now participates in monthly fundraising drives and volunteer efforts with several local nonprofits.”
The list of Dee’s community involvement and advocacy is as inspirational as it is expansive. From a board member to an active volunteer, it’s not uncommon for her to support more than 10 local nonprofits during the year. One of those, The Center for Great Expectations, holds a special place in her heart as they work to partner with those experiencing homelessness and provide transformative treatment for mental health and substance use. She’s even a volunteer EMT for the Martinsville Rescue Squad. All of this on top of running a top-notch agency of more than 20 dedicated staff.
“Sometimes she’ll come into the office having only gotten one or two hours of sleep because ‘it was a busy night’ and she had to take three senior citizens who fell to the ER or help a young teen who overdosed,” says Jacquelyn. “Sometimes it’s simply holding the hand of an elderly person who hasn’t seen their family due to the pandemic – there is not a doubt in my mind that everyone she comes in contact with is touched in some way.”
“The best part of giving back is the connections I have made with so many people, both other volunteers and those that we help,” Dee states. “Now, my family and my office staff are stepping up and doing so many wonderful things for the people who were hit by Hurricane Ida and the COVID issues. They adopted 14 families for Thanksgiving dinners and are purchasing gifts for 30 children at Christmas. All good!”
From left: Former AVP and UFG Princeton Branch Manager Ray Dudonis, Dee Zampella, Senior Marketing Representative Karen Fulfaro.

From left: Jacquelyn Zampella stands to the left of Dee Zampella who is holding the blue and silver 2021 Go Beyond trophy.
So, the legacy of selfless giving continues in Somerset County, New Jersey. And Dee Zampella will no doubt continue to fan the flames of positivity, spreading love throughout her community.
“The Center for Great Expectations had two major grants cut this year,” she says. “So, I am thrilled that UFG is giving them the $5,000 donation, and I matched that donation.”
Do you know a UFG agent or employee to nominate?
Nominations are accepted from January 1 through June 30 each calendar year.