Sponsoring a better tomorrow
Every year, UFG Insurance commits to making a difference through sponsorships designed to help both local and nationwide organizations create meaningful change.
In 2019, UFG assisted more than 70 organizations while providing more than $225,000 in community support through event and program sponsorship.
Many of these sponsorships help community events, business education, and arts and culture.

United Way of East Central Iowa
Cedar Rapids, IowaIn 2020, UFG’s employees banded together and raised more than $125,000 for United Way of East Central Iowa (UWECI). On top of that, UFG donated more than $210,000 to UWECI, bringing our combined effort to more than $335,000.
Cedar Rapids branch employee Sierra Williams says she’s glad to serve on our United Way committee.
“The United Way of East Central Iowa works tirelessly to improve our neighborhoods and community, which both UFG and I call home. Being on UFG’s United Way committee allows me to help bridge the gap between this organization and our employees and help bring awareness to this nonprofit and the wonderful work they do for and in our community.”

March of Dimes, Iowa Chapter
Cedar Rapids, IowaMany UFG employees raise money and volunteer for the March of Dimes Iowa Chapter in addition to participating in the annual March for Babies.
2019 UFG employee Go Beyond award winner, Ann Mitchell, is part of the UFG march of Dimes committee. She says that the organization is near and dear to her heart.
“The March of Dimes became an extremely important part of my life at a very difficult time. After seeing all the good that they do, I knew I needed to give back to them in whatever way I could, so that more families could feel the support and love that we did.”
Life is worth it. Distracted driving is not.
In 2017, UFG Insurance launched a marketing campaign to educate the public about the preventable dangers of driving distracted. The campaign concluded in 2021 with these meaningful results.
More than 8,000 pledges were made to always stay focused behind the wheel.$65,000 in scholarships were awarded to 35 students from across the country who understand what’s at stake when you choose to take your eyes off the road.
More than 400 public presentations helped people realize that life is worth more than distracted driving.
Thousands of conversations were started.
This campaign was Worth It to us!