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Updates to ease the burden of COVID-19

Released on: Apr 23, 2020, 15:00 PM
You're doing your best to navigate the uncharted waters of today's socially distanced society. Complex times like these call for simple solutions from UFG.

UFG Insurance is committed to offering you more ways to support your customers and employees during this surreal time, because we love our independent agents, and we’re open for business with you in mind. 

To avoid bombarding your inbox with multiple messages, here are some positive updates for agents and policyholders we’ve put in place to ease the burden caused by COVID-19. Expect another message next week to highlight other important efforts underway. 

Payment flexibility

In March, we announced payment flexibility for policyholders affected by COVID-19. We’re extending this flexibility to May 1, 2020, and will honor states with mandates beyond that date as well. Policyholders facing financial hardships are encouraged to call our billing office at 800-637-6309 to start a conversation. Our teams are closely monitoring Department of Insurance (DOI) regulatory updates that may offer additional support. 

Payroll records may help at premium audit

It’s important to UFG that we do all within reason to assist policyholders during these trying times. Encourage insureds to keep detailed payroll records including employee name, regular job duties, and COVID-19 job duties (for example: furloughed, paid but not working, working from home, so on) that can be provided at audit, supporting classification change requests, which could result in a premium savings.

Midterm changes to policy exposures

Agents do not need to wait until premium audit to adjust policy exposures in the wake of COVID-19; changes can now be made midterm. Any resulting premium credit will be deducted from an insured’s balance due on future billing installments.

Vacancy condition for commercial property policies

If an insured’s building was not considered vacant prior COVID-19 and the insured is required to temporarily close their business due to civil authority, with the intent to re-open when able, UFG would consider the building to be “unoccupied” versus “vacant,” which would not trigger the vacancy condition. The 60-day time period in the policy language would start once the shutdown has been lifted by civil authority. To support demonstrating clear intent to re-open after civil authority is lifted, we recommend some simple best practices to help ensure the property remains in good condition, like keeping utilities on and making frequent on-site visits. 

Platinum Rewards payout

If you’re a Tier 1 agent with a balance remaining in your Platinum Rewards account, UFG is automatically issuing you a check for that amount. No form submission needed. No questions asked. Some partners have chosen to invest their reward dollars in laptops and technologies to help employees seamlessly work from home. Whatever needs may be present right now, we hope these rewards help build a bridge to continued success. 

These are complex times indeed, but one thing is certain: We’ll get through this crisis together. We’re grateful for your hard work and value your partnership.

Thank you for your continued partnership

We're here for you and open for business, despite the uncertain times.