Simple Solutions Blog

UFG Office honored as Carrier of the Year

 September 16, 2019     UFG Insurance    Agents   We are UFG 


September 10, 2019, was an exciting night for UFG Insurance as it’s East Coast Regional Office was awarded the prestigious Commercial Lines Carrier of the Year Award from The Insurance Alliance Network at that organization’s Connections 2019 Carrier Recognition Event in Manheim, PA.

The Insurance Alliance Network is a collective of 10 premier independent agencies located in the central and greater Lehigh Valley regions of Pennsylvania. The survey results of more than 100 alliance employees contributed to the decision to present the carrier award to UFG.

One survey respondent said, “UFG is probably my go-to if it fits their market. I find them to be very competitive and they handle the quoting process quickly and take care of the account very well once written.”

ECRO“[UFG] ranked the highest in categories such as underwriting expertise, responsiveness, ease of doing business and claims service,” Jane Koppenheffer, president of The Insurance Alliance, said at the recognition event that gives alliance employees a chance to network with the insurance company employees they work with every day.

“When there is a strong partnership between independent insurance agencies and insurance companies, everyone wins—especially the consumers,” The Insurance Alliance stated in a press release. “The service they receive is improved through enhanced communication, deeper understanding of company policies and procedures, and a higher degree of responsiveness and cohesiveness.”

“This alliance of agents represents quality, honesty and integrity along with a strong willingness to partner with UFG,” said UFG East Coast VP and Regional Branch Manager Ray Dudonis.

 “Everyone in underwriting, claims, audit, risk control, office services, direct bill accounting, the project management office and information services made UFG the company of the year,” Dudonis explained. “And I thank them!”

Agents in Pennsylvania interested in learning how UFG can offer simple solutions for complex times are encouraged to contact marketing representative Stacey Sheads at 717-562-3770 or

Learn about UFG’s commitment to service that exceeds expectations


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