Grant Application

Does your nonprofit qualify?

Submit a grant application

This form cannot be saved. Applicants should draft responses in a separate document to copy/paste into this form — and save that document accordingly — to ensure they have a record of application and reduce the risk of losing work. 

Note: This grant application is not for corporate sponsorship funding. Email sponsorship/event requests to

Let's get started

Is the applicant a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization?*

Funding type*

Funding category*

Enter "operating support" if applying for operating funds.

Current or last closed fiscal year.

A high-level overview is acceptable.

If requesting operating funds, copy/paste organization’s budget summary information into this field.

Pertinent line items such as funding sources and expenses. For operating funding request, enter “N/A” in this field.

For example, explain how the total project will be funded if budgetary information may be unclear.

Has the applicant received UFG Foundation funding or a UFG corporate sponsorship in the past two years?

Are United Way funds awarded to this organization?

Contact for application

Organization information

Tell us about the project

Include number of people affected, age range and other relevant demographics.

Include launch and expected finish dates.

Include launch and expected finish dates.

Include number of volunteers and expected hours.

Tell us about the connection to UFG

Is UFG represented on the organization’s board?

Does the organization benefit from the service of UFG employees as volunteers?

If form does not submit, scroll up to check for red errors.

If you still have any issues submitting this form, email